Located in Houtbay in the heart of Captown and at the foothills of the famous Table mountain. GPS : S34′ 09.34 E18′ 19′ 45

Branch Enquiries


Office hours 08h00 – 17h00

Houtbay, Table mountain, Capetown.

This training branch is located in the incredible beauty of Houtbay and you will be surrounded by breath-taking table mountain mountain views while you learn exciting new outdoor and survival skills.

The bushcamp is in a safe and private nature farm with a restaurant, wine estate, private school and adventure activities. The area has an abundance of local  plants and wildlife.

Map & Directions to the Capetown training camp

CLICK to Enlarge Map

Please feel free to contact us for any questions or concerns about the branch and to find out how far the training camp is from your location.

Directions from CITY CENTRE (13km from Capetown city centre)

Directions to be added soon !


We look forward to welcoming you at the Capetown training branch !

Branch Instructors

Riaan Fourie

Riaan is a private school teacher and is involved in outdoor education for kids. He has been a part of the Boswa team since 2023.

Tyron Bergh

Tyron did his first survival course with Boswa in 2018 and have since completed his Ranger and Instructor courses.

Courses available at Capetown training branch