South-Africa’s leading accredited Survival Training Academy

” Explore Adventure, Discover Yourself “
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Why choose us ?

We are South-Africa’s leading and only accredited survival training academy and we have trained 4424 students since 2007.

We have a 100% safety record and have 17 years of experience training students in the art of survival.

Our range of training courses meet the needs of anyone whether you are a complete beginner or a seasoned adventurer.

” We teach survival skills that will ignite the ember of adventure in your spirit and you will learn to SURVIVE and THRIVE ! “

Anyone can do a course regardless of age or experience and our friendly and professional instructors will guide you and demonstrate the skills before you try and learn the techniques at your own pace and ability.

We have training branch locations in Western Cape and Gauteng.


About our Courses & Products

Contact us  on e-mail or phone

enquiries@boswa.co.za 072-916-5080

DOWNLOAD Course Calendar
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1-Day Survival Course


(3 August 2024) 

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Basic Survival Course


(3-4 August 2024)

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Tracking Survival Course


(17-18 Aug 2024)

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Survival Ranger Course


(7-13 Sep 2024)

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Basic Survival Course


(7-8 Sep 2024)

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Matthew 6:25 – “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes ?”

Friends of Boswa Survival